
The winners of the 2019 Blackbrook House Classic Car Show


Blackbrook House Classic Car Show 2019

19th July 2019

Plenty of photo opportunities for visitors, staff and residents alikeEvery year Blackbrook House Residential Care Home throws a classic car show in the grounds of the Georgian building. It’s a wonderful way of bringing the local community to the home as well as giving the residents an opportunity to enjoy the day, the people and the cars. Once you add in the the music and the refreshments, not to mention the sunshine (always a little harder to organise) you can appreciate why it’s such a popular day. The owners of the car judged to be the best on the day were award a bottle of bubbly by owner Stephen Press and Blackbrook House resident Donald. This year the winning car was a Merlin 2 kitcar. There were over 25 cars entered in total. A fabulous day!


If you’d like to learn more about living at Blackbrook House please get in touch here.


Blackbrook House owner Stephen Press talks to some of the car owners



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